

Methyl Acylate (MA) Applications

Wide Applications of Maleic Anhydride 

Maleic anhydride is a common and important basic organic chemical raw material. Maleic anhydride is often used in the production of adhesives, paint textile sizing agents, and unsaturated polyester resins. Maleic anhydride is also an important intermediate in the production of lubricant additives, coatings, pesticides and other important intermediates.

Cautions in Using Maleic Anhydride 

Maleic anhydride is irritant and can cause pharyngitis, laryngitis and bronchitis when inhaled.  Workers need to pay attention to wearing safety glasses, protective clothing and rubber gloves when using maleic anhydride. It is necessary to take a shower and change clothes after work and pay attention to personal hygiene.

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